townhall1.jpgDocument Repositories

While all information pertaining to the Project will be continually updated via the Project website, Greene County Solar will maintain hard copies of the PIP, the PSS, and the Article 10 Application, at the following locations for those stakeholders who may not have access to the website, or prefer to review hard copies:

  • Hermance Memorial Library,
    1 Ely St
    Coxsackie, NY 12051
    Phone: (518) 731-8084

  • D.R. Evarts Library - Public Library,
    80 2nd St,
    Athens, NY 12015
    Phone: (518) 945-1417

  • Town of Coxsackie Town Hall
    16 Reed Street
    Coxsackie, New York 12051
    Phone: (518) 731-2727

  • Village of Coxsackie
    Village Hall
    119 Mansion Street
    Coxsackie, NY 12051
    Phone: (518) 731-2718